At Westlake, we believe that investments are important to financial stability and everyone must have an investment account no matter how much money one has. Therefore Westlake Capital clients are encouraged to invest for any of the purposes defined by our investment products at their chosen term.


This product offers clients the avenue to invest their funds for a period of 6 months at a high yield of 10% of the investment amount paid instantly. Receive instant realisation of interest to be used for various needs.

Uncommon Advantage

  •  Customers have access to interest instantly
  • Investment Certificate issued instantly
  • Customers notified three days before maturity
  • Automatic rollover feature
  • Minimum amount of GHs 500.00 on field withdrawal


Westlake Capital has designed these long term investment products to help you save and invest at the same time. We offer you an uncommon experience of building together step by step towards achieving your personal savings and investment objective of paying for your child’s education, building or buying a home or saving for a dream holiday during your pension.

Uncommon Advantage

  • Get a quarterly bonus equal to one month’s deposit
  • Bonus will be credited to your Investment Income Account
  • You forfeit the bonus for a particular quarter if you default on a monthly payment
  • After two years of investment, you qualify to access our Nkosuo Loan
  • Free statement at the end of every quarter
  • Guaranteed returns over the term of the investment
  • Offers attractive return on investment